This PDF FILE contains a copy of an article by Dr.
Graham, and a short tutorial on how to make your own Electro-smog
filter capacitors to install in your home or workplace. I've invested
roughly $100 to install ten of these 50uF devices in my home.
Optionally, you can purchase the plug-in units of 20uF capacity from http://www.stetzerelectric.com
for $35 each plus shipping; he recommends using about twenty of his
filters for an average home to do the job adequately.
I have a personal history of health challenges from chemical,
environmental, and electrical sensitivities; In a search for ways to
improve my own health as well as that of others, I began to develop /
design induced resonance therapy devices back in the mid-1990's. My
research into the far-reaching field of Bio-Energetics led to creation
of an ever-evolving series of devices which have improved my
health & well-being dramatically.
At one time, my sensitivities were so severe that I had to adhere to
a severely limited diet, avoid all types of volatile and aromatic
chemicals, solvents & perfumes, and avoid environments with 60 HZ
& RF fields. Any environment with fluorescent lighting, for
instance, would quickly give me a severe case of "Brain Fog". These
adverse affects would not dissipate for quite a while after fleeing
that environment. It would leave me with my energy drained, and in a
state of heightened sensitivity which could last for several
days to a couple of weeks or more. Food sensitivity reactions would
instigate heightened EMF sensitivities, and EMF adverse exposures
would result in increased levels of food, chemical & environmental
The first step in dealing with environmental sensitivities is to
rigorously practice 'prudent avoidance'. So I learned to try to avoid
the environments & things which messed me up, as I understood
them. It was a start, but I continued to be highly sensitive &
vulnerable, easily destabilized by exposures that I didn't understand
or recognize, or exposures which were very difficult to avoid. Driving
in traffic, breathing exhaust fumes from any vehicles- but especially
from diesel powered vehicles- eroded my well-being & brought on
brain fog & headaches... and would leave me drained of energy
& hyper-sensitized for days after.
Local doctors seemed clueless about Environmental Sensitivities;
They would prescribe the latest antihistamine, but had no information
to offer. I needed to find the information I needed on my own. My
search led me to several helpful books; Gary Null's "No More
Allergies", and William Philpott's "Brain Allergies" helped me in
relation to food & chemical sensitivities. But the next question
was, how to determine what was beneficial or detrimental to my own
personal health and well-being.
In the late 1960's I received a pendulum as a free bonus gift with a
book club subscription. As Raymon Grace states it, "anyone can
dowse; some people just need more practice more than others".
Some great historical philosopher once said something to the effect:
"all answers are available to anyone who can ask the questions..."
The dowsing page on this web site goes into much more detail; in
dowsing, the key is to set aside your (wishes & desires) in order
to establish yourself within a viewpoint form which you phrase
your question; a viewpoint of indifference from which a positive
response to a given carefully phrased question is no more valuable
than a negative response... The ultimate value is to know the
Walter Lubeck's "Pendulum Healing Handbook" is a "Guidebook on how
to use the pendulum to choose appropriate remedies for healing body,
mind, and spirit". Raymon Graces book "The Future Is Yours" offers
insights about using a dowsing system to do more than simply gathering
information. I use my own various dowsing techniques in many ways from
day to day, from selecting products in a store, to selecting
components & aspects of devices during my design work. I have
designed specialized techniques & dowsing charts to facilitate
designing devices, and to use as a way of evaluating dynamics of
energy transport, transfer, and energy transformation potential [ETP]
capabilities. A chart which I designed & use is included on the
Dowsing page; a link to that page is at the bottom of this page.
Robert O. Becker's work, culminated in his book "Cross-Currents-
The Perils Of Electropollution- The Promise Of Electromedicine"
is very valuable in helping us develop an understanding of how our
personal health & well-being can be degraded and damaged by
exposure to EMF fields across the frequency spectrum.
With electro-pollution and 60 Hz EMF fields giving me brain fog,
headaches, and even degrading my eyesight & adversely affecting
other neurological functoins, I began the development of a protective
device in the early 2000's. I was aware of orgone devices & was in
touch with Don Croft at that time; so I began a new design to combine
'Space Energy' concepts, orgone energy and scalar manipulation combined
with the affects of very specific induced resonances which I identified
& verified. I produced the first DORAS device for my own use; It did
wonders for me!